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Travel Magic for Witches on the Go!

If you're reading this around the time that my Spell-A-Week Newsletter comes out (and if you're not getting my Spell-A-Week Newsletter, what are you waiting for? Subscribe!), then you're reading this while I'm on a plane flying to France for a month-long retreat. (If you want to follow my day-to-day adventures via Instagram, please follow me at madamepamita). I'll still be posting here while I'm away, though don't blame me if I'm posting about cheese, wine and art spells for the next four weeks!

I probably should be packing my bags right now, but since I can't resist sharing my personal spellwork with you, I thought I'd do a quick post to share one of my favorite travel spells.

Travel is something that can sometimes make us feel vulnerable, so you may want some extra protection while you're on the road or in the sky. Carrying a little mojo bag for safe travel is a great idea and here are the steps to making one.

A Mojo Hand, Gris-Gris Bag or Toby Hand is a flannel bag filled with magical items designed to bring the desired objective to the person who wears it in a secret place – in the pocket, tucked in a brassiere, or pinned to the undergarments.

A mojo bag is traditionally made with a red flannel bag filled with a mix of herbs, minerals, curios, talismans and a petition paper unique to your desire.

To create a Safe Travel Mojo Bag, just follow these instructions:

  • First, sew a protective charm to the outside of the flannel bag, thinking of your intention for traveling in safety as you sew. For safe travel, you can use a car, plane or train charm, depending on the type of travel you are planning to do.

  • Next, write your petition for safety on a piece of paper, fold it toward you and place it in the flannel bag. ​

  • Next, add a pinch each of Mugwort, Wormwood, Five Finger Grass and one of your toenail clippings to the flannel bag, praying over it, asking Spirit and the spirit of each item to work on your behalf.

  • After all have been placed in the flannel bag, gently breathe into it, giving the Mojo Bag life to work with you for your safe travel.

  • Finally, tie the bag shut with three knots while praying over it and anoint it, or feed it, with five spots of Safe Travel oil.

Your Mojo Bag should be treated with the utmost care and respect, as you would a powerful spirit or beloved pet. Give your mojo bag a name and speak to it to ask it to work on your behalf. For the first 7 days that you own it, keep it as close to you as possible, wearing it next to your skin and sleeping with it under your pillow. Set it aside in a special place only when you bathe, shower or go swimming.

After 7 days, you may wear it next to your skin, carry it in a pocket or purse or keep it in a special place and only carry it when you are traveling. About once a week, you will need to feed the mojo bag. Feeding can be done by passing the mojo bag through incense or by dabbing it with five spots of Safe Travel oil.

Your mojo bag should never be seen or touched by anyone else. If it is seen by someone else, re-establish your connection to it by feeding it daily and wearing it next to your skin for 7 days. Touching by another person will kill a mojo bag. If yours is touched, it should be remade or replaced.

So, there's my recipe for mojo bag for safe traveling! If you'd like to purchase the items for this spell, they can all (except for your toenail) be found at

My wish for you is that, no matter where or how you may travel, that you always arrive at your destination safe, sound and happy.

À bientôt!

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