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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is your office located?

A: We are located in Highland Park near the intersection of Figueroa and Avenue 55 at



5503 N. Figueroa St. 

Los Angeles, CA 90042

Q: Do you do In Person/Skype/Phone/Email/Online Chat/Video Message readings?

A: Yes, all of the above are available. 

Q: Which is best for a reading - in person, phone, email, Skype, chat or video?

A: Each have their unique advantages but all are equally helpful and effective, so choose the method which works best for you.


Q: I ordered products. How long will it take for them to arrive? 

A: We are a small operation, so unlike the anonymity of large corporations like Amazon, we put your order together with personal attention and your needs in mind. This also means that we do not have the ability to ship products out in conveyor belt fashion like the big stores. If you would like to estimate when your order will arrive, you can check out my shipping schedule. As a general rule for shipments in the U.S., please allow two weeks from the time of your order for your product to arrive. For international shipments, please allow four weeks from the time of your order. 

Q: What are your ethical standards?

A: I am an active member of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. We have a strict code of ethics which I abide by. I personally maintain strict confidentiality when it comes to what you discuss with me in our reading and I do not share or distribute your email, phone or other personal information. 


Q: What is necessary for you to do spell work for me?

A: Complex Candle work requires a tarot reading beforehand. Single Candle Spells and Mojo Bags can be done with or without a reading beforehand, although a reading can be very helpful and is recommended. All spell work and mojo bags require that you agree to this spellwork agreement.

Q: How long does it take a spell to work?

A: That depends on the circumstances surrounding the situation: often, more challenging situations require a longer time to turn around. I was taught, as a general rule, to look for a small positive sign (such as hearing a special song on the radio, seeing a word on a billboard, a special number on a clock or seeing a symbol of some kind) within three days of completing your spellwork; to look for movement toward your goal within three weeks; and to look for your outcome within three months.


If, at any point, you are not seeing one of these signs, then you probably have to go back and give it more energy, employ a new strategy, light another candle or do some more spiritual work around your situation. Think about this: not every disease is cured with one dose of medicine; sometimes it requires another dose and sometimes several - the same is true for spiritual work. If you would like to know more specific timing for your particular case or a spiritual assessment of how challenged the situation is, I recommend getting a reading with me or another trusted reader. 



Q: Do you guarantee that I will get the result that I want from my spellwork?

A: No ethical worker can guarantee a certain result from spiritual work, because of the principle of free will. While spellwork can influence a situation, it cannot turn someone who is willfully opposed to an outcome into a puppet or bring you an outcome if you are not taking the corresponding real world action.


Think of spellwork being similar to a healthcare provider administering healing. No ethical doctor will ever guarantee a 100% positive outcome. Some health conditions are simple and easy to turn around, others are challenging and still others may look bleak. And, as with medicine, you must also consider if your real-world action is supporting your good outcome. A person who has emphysema and continues to smoke will not have the same prognosis as someone who decides to quit smoking, eat healthy and exercise. A good doctor will provide the best possible care for your situation to bring in the outcome you desire, but it also requires that you do some action on your part to support the intention of healing.


Ethical spiritual workers are the same. We can help with the spiritual aspects of your situation, but for the best outcome you should be supporting your spiritual work with real world action. My approach focuses on both the practical aspects and the spiritual aspects of your life situation. This is why I suggest a reading before single candle spells and require a reading before doing complex candle work. I will take a look at your case, assess whether the outlook is good, workable or if there is little hope for your outcome and suggest both spiritual and practical guidance.  I look at all aspects to see what strategy is best for the situation. This way, I can provide the best possible spiritual work for your highest possible outcome. 


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